Friday, March 27, 2009

Embro Bingo.

So when Lodrina invited me to go to to the Embrocation party on Monday the 23rd, the conversation went a little like this:

Lodri: So yeah, they're having a 'zine release party at Middlesex... I'll probably be hiding in a corner playing hipster bingo.
Me: Wait... did you say 'ZINE release party? I'll attend and kick it '90s style in one of my riot grrl T-shirts.

It didn't quite work out that way. I headed to the party still wearing my work clothes, Lodri and I procured cocktails (their Mark & Stormy = DELICIOUS), and we actually proceeded to mingle. It was a great time: lots of people I hadn't talked to in a while (it's March), people I'd seen at bike races but never met, and so on. Forty minutes had flown by before I turned to Lo and said, "hey, did you remember to bring the game piece(s)?"

"NO!" she exclaimed. "My printer was out of ink... gah."

As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I found a pen in my purse, we grabbed some napkins in the bar, and soon enough, we had invented our own game pieces.

fixed-gear bingo, take 1 fixed-gear bingo, take 2

Behold, y'all: the digital renditions of fixed-gear bingo. Stay tuned for official, non-scribbled versions of this prototype. In the meantime, all rights reserved.

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